Monday, May 15, 2006

Mother's Day

Today is Mother's Day.

All of my life I have wanted to be a mother. I am thankful to say that God granted me that privilege nine years ago when our first child was born. Every year since then, this day has made me sentimental.


Why do I get all mushy and emotional when I think about Mother's Day?

Before I became a mommy, I thought the day would be a day off. A day all my own. No cooking or washing. No cleaning or ironing. Boy, was that a dream!

Now, I realize it is so much more. Today is a day I thank God for the precious gift of life. I thank Him for the honor of raising the two children He has entrusted me. I thank Him for giving me a Godly husband with whom to raise my children. I thank Him that my children will only know one mother and father. I thank for God the medical obstacles that one child has already overcome and pray that the other will not face them.

So on this Mother's Day, we took my mother out to eat and called all of our grandmothers to say, "Happy Mother's Day". But, most importantly to me, I was sure to give my children an extra hug and thank them for being mine. My precious masterpieces from God.

This week, maybe the cooking, washing, cleaning, and even the ironing, won't seem so bad!

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