Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The Power of Prayer

I believe in the power of prayer.

You see, my son walks. We were told when he was born that he would not. I never believed it. I don't know why, but something - no someone - Higher told me he would walk. Anyway, lots and I mean LOTS of people prayed for Blake. And he walks. He was late walking, but so what. God had His own plan. He proved ALL the doctors wrong. (By the way, Blake has Spina Bifida at the L4-L5 level and a decompressed Arnold Chiari Malformation.)

I tell you this to ask you for prayer. My friend and colleague, Ms. Glendell, has been diagnosed with leukemia. Things do not look very promising for her. But......I still believe in prayer. Her daughter specifically asked for my special son to pray for her momma. Boy, what a request. He prays the sweetest prayers. The faith of children is unbelievable!

I know that when prayers are being said, you can feel the peace. My husband and I did. I ask you to please pray for Ms. Glendell and God's will in her life at this very difficult time. I personally hope it is complete healing.

Monday, May 22, 2006


Friday was the day.

We had been planning the cook-out for about three weeks. My very special class would be coming on a field trip to my house for a day of playing outside and picnicing in the shade. We had invited parents, siblings, school friends, anyone else who we thought would enjoy the fun. We were ready.

My special class consists of eight special needs students, three terrific paraprofessionals and myself. We have a lot of fun, yet sometimes trying times during the year. Field trips are not always easy to plan. We look for things that all of the children will enjoy; however, with vision impairments, orthopedic impairments, and other needs to consider, this is a difficult task. This cook-out and the activities had been carefully planned and we were hoping this trip would be different.

I was so excited to have four parents, one grandparent, five siblings and a step-parent to attend. Getting to visit outside of the walls of the school building is such a nice treat. I love my parents. These parents go through so much on a day to day basis that they deserve a treat. They need to be told on a regular basis what a good job they do taking care of these very special children. I've been told many times before,

God doesn't give special kids to just anybody.

And that is so true in these cases. I look at these children everyday and know that when they go home they are loved and hugged. What a blessing!!

I hope that all involved enjoyed the day as much as I did. The kids had a blast. You could see it on their faces. They work so hard all year, I am glad that we were able to give them an entire day of fun!

I sure will miss these students this summer. They almost feel like my own. In a little over two months, we'll be back together again. Ready to hit the 'ole grind stone. But, until then, I hope they enjoy the time they have to play and relax. They deserve the break.

Happy Summer to you all!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

I Think I'll Brag

Yes, I am a mother who likes to brag. I am very proud of my children. After all, they are perfect! Ha-ha!!! Well, they are sleeping at the moment.

Today, was an exceptional day.

My oldest, Blake is nine and completing the third grade. He has a great interest in American History, particularly the presidents. Just for fun, he decided to learn all 43 in order last year. He has continued to study and can now tell you when they served, who their wife was (if they had one), probably what years they served, and what number president they were. He also knows other tidbits that for the life of me I can't, or do not care, to remember.

My friend has a child in the 10th grade. She was telling me today that her daughter's U.S History final exam is to list all 43 presidents in order. First and last names. Guess who we consulted for study tips ~

You guessed it - our resident THIRD GRADER.

And just think, nine years ago next month, this child was fighting for his life recovering from surgery thanks to Arnold Chiari Malformation (more on that at a later date). We've been told many times that he should have never made it. I think I may have a right to brag. What do you think?

On to child number two. She deserves her turn. Meredith is five and has been taking gymnastics for almost a full year. I mean full-fledged gymnastics - floor, beam, bars, vault, and trampoline. She loves it! Today was the "ribbon" ceremony. She was so proud that Blake and I got to go in the gym and watch up close. Yes, she loves the attention. This child is not scared one bit. She scales that beam like it is sitting on the floor. You would think she's been walking on it all her life. Of course, she's waving at us the entire time. - No wonder we're no allowed in the gym during normal practice sessions.

At the end of class today, her teacher awarded the ribbons. She did not expect an award - so she was so thrilled to get one. All of the little girls got ribbons. The blue ribbons meant they were able to complete the apparatus independently. A red ribbon.......they needed a little help.

Meredith received 4 Blue Ribbons and 1 Red. (The red for bars. Goodness, have you ever tried to flip over that bar by yourself? ........Me neither!)

I am so proud of them. Their daddy is too.

Just had to let the whole world know!!

Monday, May 15, 2006

Mother's Day

Today is Mother's Day.

All of my life I have wanted to be a mother. I am thankful to say that God granted me that privilege nine years ago when our first child was born. Every year since then, this day has made me sentimental.


Why do I get all mushy and emotional when I think about Mother's Day?

Before I became a mommy, I thought the day would be a day off. A day all my own. No cooking or washing. No cleaning or ironing. Boy, was that a dream!

Now, I realize it is so much more. Today is a day I thank God for the precious gift of life. I thank Him for the honor of raising the two children He has entrusted me. I thank Him for giving me a Godly husband with whom to raise my children. I thank Him that my children will only know one mother and father. I thank for God the medical obstacles that one child has already overcome and pray that the other will not face them.

So on this Mother's Day, we took my mother out to eat and called all of our grandmothers to say, "Happy Mother's Day". But, most importantly to me, I was sure to give my children an extra hug and thank them for being mine. My precious masterpieces from God.

This week, maybe the cooking, washing, cleaning, and even the ironing, won't seem so bad!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

This is It!

I can't believe I'm really writing this. After reading a friend's blog for several months now, she has finally prodded me to write my own. Well, she actually asked me to write something on her blog, but it took so long to finish the profile that I figured I might as well go ahead and blog something here.

Let me start by giving some background information. I am Dana. I have two precious children, a great husband, a cat, and a dog - who by the way is barking his head off . Anyway, all off my life it has been my desire to be a Special Education Teacher. I never really knew why, that was just the only "real" job I ever had a desire to have. So, my parents, being the good parents they are, sent me off to school to get an education and find a husband. No, no not really. They just sent me to school to get an education. I met my husband after college and after my first teaching job. I was actually teaching in a preschool special education classroom when I met my husband. After we married and our son was born, I realized why I had always had the desire to teach special ed. You see, Blake was born with Spina Bifida (or a hole in his spine). We had no idea.

Fast forward nine years. Blake has overcome almost everything the doctor's have predicited he probably would not do. He now has a five year old sister to deal with and he is as smart as a "whip".

I now know why I always wanted to teach - Blake. Special ed. prepared me for him; however, he prepared me even more for my current job position. You see, I presently teach in a multiple disabilities classroom and I LOVE IT!! These are the most precious children in the world. I truly enjoy going to work everyday. These children teach me to be thankful for my life, appreciate my children, and love my family.

I hope to share more about Blake and his miraculous life. I would also like to introduce you to his sister, Meredith - now she is a character!

I hope to share more with you all soon. Who knows, maybe I'll actually keep on blogging?!?
