Friday, June 16, 2006

Summer Daze

I think it has been forever since I have posted. School has ended for the summer, obviously. My kids are sooooooooo excited that I am home everyday with them, I must say that I enjoy that aspect of teaching, too. We love to hang out and just play. There's nothing like just being together watching them play in the backyard and enjoying the big waterslide.

The beginning of summer has been very busy for us. Blake has had his yearly check-ups with the "special" doctors. We have already made two trips to Children's Hospital for those appointments. They get easier as he gets older. I didn't realize that a CT scan was only supposed to take about 5 minutes. His have always taken between 20-45 minutes because he was never still. The one this week really only took 5 minutes. It was a breeze. Anyway......He got great reports from all of his doctors. We are weaning off of his seizure medication, Hurray! - His shunt to drain the fluid from his brain for hydrocephalus is working correctly, Yea! - His bladder and kidneys look healthy, no infections (a miracle in itself since he is cathed every four hours), Woo-Hoo!

The shocking news for us has been that our so-called "healthy" child, Meredith, has had pneumonia. Yes, right here in the beginning of summer! Try telling a five year old that she can't play in the water outside. Especially this five year old who thinks she is the boss. We have had an interesting week with her. She is better now, thank goodness.

Blake had his last softball game of the season tonight. This is the sweetest league ever. He plays on the ARC's Softball is for Everyone League. These kids have the best time. Tonight the Pilot Club gave the teams a cookout and the league presented the players with their trophies. The players were all beaming. They were all truly WINNERS! I am so glad that we have had the opportunity to be involved with this organization for the past 4 years. Both of my children have received blessings and friendships from this affiliation.

When I look at the photos of Blake playing ball, I am reminded of the day we were told he would probably never walk. I don't know if you can tell it or not from the photo on the right, but he is actually running. Yes, RUNNING! Maybe not as fast as you or I but a real honest to goodness run. I thank God that He is still in the business of miracles, I thank Him even more for the priviledge to live with one. As Blake would say, "Amen and amen."

I have this thing about pictures. I LOVE THEM! I love to send them to grandparents and great-grandparents for special days. With Father's Day being Sunday, that gave me another excuse to pose my kids for photos. We had so much fun.......well.......maybe not that least they looked started out as fun and I got two good shots to send in the cards. I think they will enjoy them.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Hey, when can we come over and run and slide with the kids??

So glad you had 2 great appointments!

Ours went really well too--what a relief!

What a great way to start off a summer, huh?