Monday, July 17, 2006

Family and "The Fair"

We are Buzzing around preparing for our annual weeklong trip to Mississippi. The kids have been ready for days!! Their "stuff" (books, toys, junk) is already packed. If they ask my one more time ,"How many more days until the fair", I think I'll scream!

This is one of the best trips of the year for our family. Not only do we get to see long distance family and friends, we get to go have go honest to goodness fun. I will share stories and photos when we return. The fair I am talking about is the Neshoba County Fair just outside of Philadelphia, Mississippi. It is like nothing you have ever experienced. My kids think it is the best thing since sliced bread and peanut butter. Now, don't go thinking this is your average county fair. It's nothing of the sort. There are vegetable and cooking contests along with the regular fair rides, but it's so much more. You have never lived until you have stayed in a fair cabin. Have you ever slept 20-30 people in one room? Sounds kinda like summer camp, huh? Now, your talking. Summer camp with a twist. There's bands every night, if you like that sort of thing - or you can just hang out on the porch with a glass of sweet tea and shoot the breeze with family and friends you haven't seen in ages. That's more my style.

Anyway, we will be gone for a week or so. I'll be sure to let you'all in on all the fun we had when we get back.

Oh, by the way, if you've ever been to The Fair, leave a comment and let others know just how much fun it is!


Kelly said...

We had a wonderful fair back in Yankee-ville that I just adored--4H, food, games, rides--the whole nine yards. I was so excited to hear that we might have a family wedding up there this fall (Yay! Fair!)....just to find out that the fair was going to be the week before! :(

You make one want to go to this MS fair! Even hubby likes the sound of it, especially since 2 who-know-whos are going to be there-HA! Maybe some year ya'll can give us directions ....I've missed "the fair" ever since we moved here!

But is there anything like it here in AL?

Anonymous said...

I'm a resident of Neshoba County. The "Fair", as we know it around here, is so much more than a gathering. It's a way of life for one week a year. It's a small town that starts and stops like clockwork. If you ever come, stop at one of the cabins and tell folks that you've never been. They'll probably feed you and show you what to do.